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What kind of service do you provide?

I provide a sexy,  tantric massage for men and for women. All massages include lots of intimate teasing to stimulate all of your senses, leaving no part of your body untouched. As with all of our clients, I feel confident you will enjoy every minute of your stay with me and leave satisfied and refreshed.


Is your service legitimate?

I provide a Strictly Therapeutic service. Please do not ask me for any 'extras'. I value and strive to maintain a work environment free of sexual harassment.

Should I still shower again, even if I showered an hour before?

YES ! I will know if you don't and will have a poor opinion of you.
Have a good shower .. You will also begin to relax. This provides a good basis for the best massage .
Our massage oil will absorb and not be noticed within an hour after the massage as long as it is towelled or washed off. Clients who are clean and without blemish are massaged with a perfect touch !!

Can I extend my massage or re-book for another treatment?

Of course you can! I am really glad that you love the treatment; I spend countless hours to recruit and train only the highest quality of me that make to ensure I give you the very best service. I will at all times do our utmost to keep me with you for the additional time (if an extension is requested) and re-arrange their bookings with me if need be.


Can I touch or lick your pussy? 

Not, sorry love, but I am ONLY masseuse.. the panties stay on me.. but you can touch my body, / with some control/ you can give me a lovely massage..



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